Stupid cheap

Much to my annoyance and I’m sure my Father’s ever-loving delight, I have become a bit of a tightwad in my advancing years.  All those stern lectures about money not growing on trees in my youth are coming home to roost.  Yes Daddy, it does make a difference when it’s your own money you are spending.  Especially when you are launching your own business (Pam Tierney Voice Over) and the paycheck’s aren’t coming in every 2 weeks from the MAN.  Couple that with a strong feeling of “I can do that” and “How hard would it be to just to it myself” and you have a recipe for a lot of trains coming off tracks.  Bunnies being chased down rabbit holes.  Distractions that take away from building business and investing in success.

This was brought home to me recently when I was redoing my commercial demo (did I mention I was starting a business?) and the rates for local studios rental were higher than I wanted to pay.  I needed a studio with Source Connect so I could link with my producer, Nancy Wolfson, in LA.  After striking out with local talent private studios, I figured I’d just purchase the software myself and use my own private studio thus acting as my own engineer as well as talent.  Genius, right?  After all, I engineer my own auditions all the time.  Multitasking isn’t always the best idea, especially in an already stressful situation that a demo recording usually is.  Fortunately cooler heads prevailed and I was strongly advised to not wear both hats.  I was able to negotiate a better rate for the studio, the demo recording went off without a hitch, and I could concentrate on performance alone.  Which is what the client will be evaluating when they look to hire me, not whether or not I used my own studio, saved money on rental or engineered it myself.

Just because I can do something doesn’t mean I should be doing something.  Sometimes I need to get out of my own way and let the pros do what they do best.  Being frugal is a smart thing, just don’t be stupid cheap.

9 Responses to “Stupid cheap”

  1. Philip Banks Says:

    If you owned a machine that printed money you would buy it what ever was required to keep it printing money. The idea of a business is to make a profit and that also means give a return on investment.

    A few weeks ago I suggested to a VO that she should sent a few clients and prospective clients a chocolate hamper to thank them for helping make July a bumper business month.

    “Money’s real tight. I have 26 cents in my checking account. I’ll do it soon, some day”

    The following day I read on YouFacetubebook how her and her unemployed husband enjoyed a night out at a local restaraunt.

    In business, it’s not what you spend and it’s not what you do, it’s about how you prioritise.

    Your priorites are on track, good luck.

    PB x

  2. Jodi Krangle Says:

    Congratulations on your new demo, Pam! That’s great that you’re working with Nancy. I’m sure you’ll have a fantastic product at the end of it. I’ve never studied with her myself, but I’ve been listening to her teleseminars and have always been incredibly impressed. Good luck with it all! It’s a wacky and wonderful business, huh? 😉 Wishing you every good thing, — Jodi

  3. Mandy Nelson Says:

    “Just because I can do something doesn’t mean I should be doing something.” This is very wise, indeed, Pam. Something worth remember for many of us.

    And what Philip said about the money printing? Man, he does make a great point.

  4. Mary McKitrick Says:

    Pam, it sounds like you made good decisions! Congratulations, and good luck with your new business. If you do decide to get Source Connect, you will be both penny- AND pound-wise if you get it through George Whittam at El Dorado Recording . He’s a distributor and he will walk you through the installation and not leave you until it’s working smoothly.

  5. There’s cheap and then there’s … | Voices Of Advertising Says:

    […] Stupid Cheap. That’s what my friend Pam calls it anyway and I have to admit I rather like that. I’m adding Pam’s blog to my blogroll today, and I’m doing so with considerable joy since I’ve been encouraging her to write a blog for some time now. Good for you Pam and I look forward to reading what you have to say. Oh, and the very best to you and your voiceover business. (That last comment applies to you even if your name isn’t Pam and even if you’ve been doing voiceovers for years.) […]

  6. Chris Fadala Says:

    What a great phrase “stupid cheap”. I know it’s something I’ve been guilty of in the past and it definitely came back to haunt me.
    I look forward to listening to your new demo. I’ve been listening to Nancy Wolfson as well and getting a lot out of her teleseminars.

    Best of luck !!!

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